Wired and Wireless Network Infrastructure

The moment the internet was created, networking between people has become more accessible. As technology has improved, so too has the ability to network. You can now network through your mobile devices and computers. Data networking is essentially the same concept. Rather than having a network for communication, you have a network to share data. Data networking is perfect for the management of the system performance of platforms. Meshed Wi-Fi gives you the ability to roam your home and business without any drop outs meaning you have a good full signal in most of your home.

We will actually produce a heatmap based on your drawings so know the perfect location (Hidden when possible) of you Wi-Fi points.

Why We Use Ruckus

We live in an age where it is becoming more and more normal for people to work, learn, and be entertained at their home. That is why it is so important that your Wi-Fi capabilities at your home can always be depended on.

Ruckus guarantees a strong and stable Wi-Fi signal that goes throughout your home, making it reliable no matter what room you may be in. Your devices automatically connect to the strongest access point.

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